If you're looking to buy new compact refrigerators for your dorm room, then we recommend this Haier HNSE045VS Compact Refrigerator/Freezer. With simple design and compact space, this Haier HNSE045VS Compact Refrigerator/Freezer is perfect choice for you.
Haier HNSE045VS Compact Refrigerator/Freezer now is available for sale with special price. Buy it now, and get this compact refrigerators to your room.
Haier HNSE045VS Compact Refrigerator/Freezer now is available for sale with special price. Buy it now, and get this compact refrigerators to your room.
Danby DAR195BL 1.8 cu.ft. All Refrigerator Reviews
I am quite happy with this little refrigerator. It is even roomier inside than I thought it would be. The freezer section is very small though, but I guess that is to be expected. I bought it for my daughter and she likes it a lot. The unit is attractive and I don't know if it was a mistake, but it had a stainless steel front (which we are happy about). read more description and features >>Visit our Online Store for more compact refigerator and others product